Monday, December 17, 2012

Yoruba and Benin Tribal Arts (part 1)

the "Oba" or "Ooni" bronze cast king of Ife'

We have a lot of African sculpture in People's to identify it all?

some pieces that caught my eye
 and some other pieces that get a lot of attention due to
-their fame within African art,
-weigh a lot,
-the very phallic crowns they wear

another "Benin Bronze" example
these would be the  Bronze Heads in the corner... famous from the British Museum archaeological excavations in the 1930s. Called the "Benin Bronze" by the Brits when they excavated the site of Ife' in western Nigeria in the 1930's. Ife' however is known as the traditional Yoruba homeland in oral and modern history.

...and the less warlike, beaded Yoruba animal decorations, hats
and statues which i immediately felt connected with.
"Why? ....

...and wait, so are the Bronzes Yoruba, Benin, or both?
"...and so Benin
people are from Nigeria too? what is the relationship between
Benin and Yoruba?"

At this point Kat and i were working together on this project and both of us were feeling more connected with
these sculptures every week. A customer came in and bought beaded hats,
and we reorganized this part of the suzani room when more
merch came in....

Yoruba beaded belt with bird totem

Personally I was aware of the Orishas already, the ancestor spirits of the West African diaspora, brought to the Caribbean on the slave trade, from time spent in Georgia, along the Gulf of Mexico, and here in Arizona.
you may find candles and charms for these Orishas in
Botanicas /Spiritual Shops. Already I had connections to the
female Orishas and their empowerment.

I know of music that sings about Orishas, Santeria and Voodoo...songs about Yemaya and Oshun, Shango, Papa Legba (Ellegua), and Katita and
I could hear them singing in the art sitting in our store.
"Yemaya" by the Cuban musical artist, Celia Cruz

Some vivid dreams and inventory later, they are still singing to us
and the Bronze phallic statues too....

(to be continued...)

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